Welcome to our EMEA blog, Maxx All Areas – the place to come for our latest insights into industry trends, business opportunities, emerging technologies and the hot topics you want to read about.

Maxxess Systems has been known for pioneering security technologies since 1999. Today, the community of eFusion users reaches across the globe and ranges from small business through to corporate and multi-site enterprises, all benefiting from the advantages of ever more powerful and flexible integration.

By allowing enterprise access control to integrate off-the-shelf with a raft of world-class security and safety systems, as well as IoT devices, we are enabling a truly unified approach to security management.

And it’s this integrated approach that means the Maxxess EMEA team has unique knowledge of industry-specific challenges – across security, safety, facilities management, and operational departments – and a practical, real-world understanding of which technologies are best-placed to combat them.

Currently, the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the need to change the way premises are used, with our customers wanting to adapt to ensure that their locations remain operationally viable and continue to deliver ROI.  And the security and FM managers we are working with continue to seek better ways to securely manage their sites, and to ensure the safety of staff across multiple facilities.

And at the same time now – in many cases for the first time – those in charge of premises are looking to support demand for flexible and home working.

This has sped-up the adoption of technologies, including AI video and next generation visitor management, which automate COVID-secure processes, optimise workspaces, and deliver actionable intelligence from big data.

It has also led to greater demand for mobile applications that support increased flexibility; allow targeted and mass communications; improve workflow management; and encourage a more ambitious approach to systems integration that closes those familiar gaps in security and increases efficiency.

In essence, we are witnessing one of the most rapid evolutions ever seen in the facilities management and security industries. And this is opening up a wealth of new opportunities for systems integrators and consultants.

We are also seeing continued convergence, not just involving IT and security and FM departments, but wider operations too as organisations look to build-in future resilience, ensure the cybersecurity of their security solutions, cut carbon emissions, and continue to make cost savings and productivity gains that positively impact the bottom line.

Maxxess is at the heart of all this transformation. So, we hope our regular blogs will keep you up to date, informed and importantly help you stay one step ahead of the curve.

We’ll also be welcoming guest blogs from our systems integration, technology partners, and consultant friends, so feel free to drop us a line with your ideas. And equally, we are open to suggestions of topics and emerging technologies you’d like to see us cover.  Simply email us at info@maxxessmail.co.uk and together we can Maxx All Areas and make a difference with transformational ideas and technology.

In the meantime, my team and I are always here to help you.


Lee Copland
Managing Director, EMEA