Frictionless Access

Facial recognition access control has many advantages – supply chain resilience is yet another

Lee Copland, Managing Director, Maxxess EMEA Ongoing supply issues are still affecting the availability of access cards, with reported waiting times of several months for some customers. This is a reminder of the need for resilience in security systems. Some organisations I speak to are having to eek out their [...]

A boom in integration projects across the Middle East reflects economies in a go-ahead mood

Lee Copland, Managing Director, Maxxess EMEA The number and scale of the integration projects that we are now involved in the Middle East reflects economies that are in a go-ahead mood, despite the prospect of a global recession in 2023. Increased oil revenues are insulating GCC countries in particular from [...]

Going retro – why rip-and-replace is not the only way to modernise access control

Lee Copland, Managing Director, Maxxess EMEA With budgets being tightened against a backdrop of rising inflation and supply chain disruption, organisations of all sizes are looking for ways to enhance efficiency. If they can streamline and modernise operations without it having a big impact on the bottom line, that’s a [...]

Facial recognition and integration tech will add new value to home working

Facial recognition and integration tech will add new value to home working Lee Copland, Maxxess, Managing Director EMEA It’s almost two years since the first pandemic lockdowns and some employers are asking if the dividends of home working are beginning to fade. Even without mandatory work-from-home [...]

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